Friday, September 14, 2012

We are back! Part 1

Sorry that its been a long time! We have been super busy with summer plans and also moving into a new apartment! Plus we haven't had internet for a long time. So I am going to try to catch you up on the last 2 1/2 months of our lives.  So bare with me!
 Look at Nick being a stud! 

 Enjoying some family time 
 Brody came home in July!!
 So excited for him to be home!
 Brody gave this to Payton and it was a little big for her wrist, so we comprised! 
 Jocey (that was for your jo girl) came to visit us!! Ya we love visitors 
 Still Hiking the Y on the 4th of the July

love that girl!

 Next stop to Tad and Megan's house 
 Payton enjoys hanging out with her cousins!
 Old faithful
 Nick and Payton's first time to yellowstone!

 Island Park
Love the hair, Payton wasn't too happy about the boat ride
 The crew 
 Some grandpa time 

 Grandma Great 

 Spanish Fork Rodeo 
Payton loved watching the horses! 
 Hiking Timp! Was probably the hardest thing I have ever done! 

 Emerald Lake 
 The prettiest flowers I have ever seen!

We went with Peter and Alicia.

Oh don't worry there will be plenty more!!! 
To be Continued